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Identify strengths and real potential of your team

Such surveys focus on organizational development, internal processes and employee well-being. We identify strengths and potential for improvement in the work environment and provide insights that can improve productivity and engagement. Such insights provide a solid foundation for creating a positive work culture and ensuring that your business is attractive to the expertise you are looking for.




How does it work

Quantitative methods

Such methods involve the collection of numerical data. Here, the goal is to analyze the relationship between variables using statistical techniques. By quantifying employee experiences, these methods provide clear, numerical answers to how different factors affect corporate culture.

At InFact, we offer customized web surveys (CAWI) to map employee experiences and views.

Qualitative methods

Qualitative methods involve the collection of qualitative and non-numerical data that forms the basis for in-depth analyses of how employees experience working in your company. Such methods are particularly useful when you want to explore complex relationships and understand the underlying causes of different employee experiences.

At InFact, we offer the following main forms of qualitative methods for conducting company and employee surveys:

  • In-depth interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Mobile ethnography

We conduct both open and anonymized employee surveys. All data collection at InFact is carried out in accordance with the ICC/ESOMAR international code of conduct for the practice of market and opinion research. This means, among other things, that all processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the GDPR.

What do I get?

At InFact, we also offer customization when it comes to report formats. The following report formats are popular among our customers:

Let's level up your business!

Please contact one of our employees for a non-binding conversation about surveys and insights at