Such surveys focus on organizational development, internal processes and employee well-being. We identify strengths and potential for improvement in the work environment and provide insights that can improve productivity and engagement. Such insights provide a solid foundation for creating a positive work culture and ensuring that your business is attractive to the expertise you are looking for.
Identify strengths and real potential of your team
Corporate and employee surveys provide valuable insight into your organizational structure and how employees experience working in your organization. Such surveys give you insight into important aspects such as how employees experience collegial cooperation, working conditions, personal development opportunities, support for the organization’s goals, leadership and the products/services you provide.
At InFact, we offer tailor-made survey programs that are adapted to the insight needs of your organization. Such surveys are widely used in both the private and public sectors, as well as in non-profit organizations.
Understanding employee perspectives is an essential part of building a sustainable, positive and productive work culture, which in turn will positively impact higher employee loyalty, lower turnover and increased performance. By identifying both strengths and challenges in the work environment, your organization can take action to improve well-being and work efficiency. Such insight is also essential for recruiting and ensuring that your organization is attractive to the expertise you are looking for.
At InFact we offer corporate and employee surveys aimed at the entire business as a whole or specific departments within it. Recruitment can either be done internally within the company or by us at InFact via the company’s email and telephone lists.
How does it work
InFact offers a wide range of survey methods for conducting business and employee surveys. Which method you should choose depends on your insight needs. Our market analytics consultants are helpful in tailoring a methodological approach that suits your needs and preferences.
When it comes to choosing methodological tools, the most important distinction is between quantitative and qualitative methods. These can be used separately or in combination, so that you gain the most comprehensive insight into your business.
Quantitative methods
Such methods involve the collection of numerical data. Here, the goal is to analyze the relationship between variables using statistical techniques. By quantifying employee experiences, these methods provide clear, numerical answers to how different factors affect corporate culture.
At InFact, we offer customized web surveys (CAWI) to map employee experiences and views.
Qualitative methods
Qualitative methods involve the collection of qualitative and non-numerical data that forms the basis for in-depth analyses of how employees experience working in your company. Such methods are particularly useful when you want to explore complex relationships and understand the underlying causes of different employee experiences.
At InFact, we offer the following main forms of qualitative methods for conducting company and employee surveys:
- In-depth interviews
- Focus groups
- Mobile ethnography
We conduct both open and anonymized employee surveys. All data collection at InFact is carried out in accordance with the ICC/ESOMAR international code of conduct for the practice of market and opinion research. This means, among other things, that all processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the GDPR.
What do I get?
Powerpoint report
Here, our analysis team with market analytics and social science expertise will design a report that summarizes results, digs deeper into particularly interesting findings, and provides input on the way forward based on the insights from the survey. The results are often presented in the form of graphs and tables, accompanied by textual interpretations of this. Such PPT reports are particularly useful if you need to effectively communicate the results to others, either externally or internally in the business. We are also helpful in adapting the report to your visual templates if you wish.
InFact also offers more comprehensive reports in MS Word or PDF format. Here we design longer written texts according to the desired layout. The results are typically presented in the form of graphs, tables and statistical measures, as well as longer textual interpretations and discussions of the results of the survey.
If your company and employee survey is based on quantitative data collection via web survey, you can access an analytics dashboard on our InFact Survey platform, where you can explore the survey results yourself. Here, complex data sets can be visualized and made available for easy interpretation. The dashboard provides an intuitive overview of the survey results, with user-friendly features designed for efficient data analysis.